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Some People Perceive Ghosts. Are They Real?

Science has something to say about it.

By Rene Volpi Published 2 months ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia Public Library

Do you believe in ghosts, and if so, why?

Are there different frequencies at which they manifest? Why would they show themselves to some people but not others?

Many documented cases show apparitions without explanations. In several cases, these spirits choose to appear more often.

Some places, including castles, old houses, new houses, and every place one can think of, could have had a "visitation”. Sometimes, we refer to those places as “haunted” in our speech. They seem to have more of those events without a rational explanation.

Are these beings stuck in between two realms? This reality and the afterlife.?

Edgar Cayce, among many others, seemed to have deep knowledge of this subject, as he was known as a "seer.”

But after all these years of studies, research, and documentation, we still don't know much more than we did 5,000 years ago—or do we?

Let's examine...

On occasion, many people experience the feeling of presence or sensations of presence. Researchers with the right gear recorded unexplained experiences. Researchers with the right gear rigorously studied them.

However, we find ourselves in a human paradox. We believe we feel something, or we perceive it. Which is it? The human mind can easily play tricks on our conscious state. The problem is that we can as quickly suggest to ourselves that something is taking place when it is not.

In our eagerness to prove what we believe is accurate, we ignore everything else that doesn't agree with that. This is called confirmation bias, and it's a concern for serious investigators.

True researchers like verification, just like any of the arms of science. Repetition is key. The paradox I was speaking of is that these entities cannot repeat what we require of them at will. It doesn't work that way. It's a different kind of energy on a different plateau and no longer applies to our laws in our realm. Also, we know that interacting with our world takes a lot of energy. This leads to many difficulties.

Then, we have the identification issue. What is what, and which is which?

There is trickery involved. We know there's plenty, but there are an equal number of unmeasurable paranormal phenomena. Ghosts could be just the beginning. We could have interdimensional beings, or aliens, from other times and places.

Similarly, some humans have special, unexplored, and unexplained abilities.

What is what, and which is which?

We have alchemists, shamans, voodoo priests, and priestesses. We also have remote viewers and other human phenomena. This mix makes it impossible to know what we are dealing with.

But there are facts, theories, speculations, and hypotheses.

What is what?

Then we have what—by now—has been mainstream for a while. Alien beings might live here on Earth, or they may come to visit for whatever purpose.

What we don't have, at least publicly, is evidence—factual, empiric, proven time and time again evidence. Without such, we may as well be at square one, and all we have at this point are conjectures and stories that are making Hollywood rich.

The fact that we have an incredible amount of mysteries in our world is enough to keep anybody awake at night. But there are mysteries and mysteries.

We have some that, with enough perseverance, eventually we will decipher.

We have others that are disappearing every minute; they remain a mystery. Corrosion, erosion, and other acts of nature are all against the odds of discovering their secrets. A rush against time would be putting it mildly. We need answers as soon as possible.

They intentionally conceal others, not allowing humanity to access them for various reasons, and your guess is as good as mine. These pose a problem because the law protects them and is entirely off-limits to us.

Politics, money, and religion play a huge part in that equation.

Unfortunately, they prioritise us last when all this impacts everyone on the planet. Not only that, but we are the ones providing ALL the information they use behind closed doors, leaving us outside, not even looking in.

How long will it be before they let the people access what rightfully belongs to them? How long will they keep us in the dark about what is already understood by them, the ones in charge?

We are all running out of time.

Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia Public Library

ref: https://www.livescience.com › 26697-are-ghosts-real


Stream of ConsciousnessLife

About the Creator

Rene Volpi

I'm from Italy and write every day. Being a storyteller by nature, I've entertained (and annoyed) people with my "expositions" since I was a child, showing everyone my primitive drawings, doodles, and poems. Still do! Leave me a comment :)

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    All I know is that us humans, ghosts, aliens and whatever else, we all exist in different frequencies. I believe that if we don't disturb them, they wouldn't disturb us.

  • Mariann Carrollabout a month ago

    There are definitely the unseen of this world. Not many have the gift to see them. If you do see them once in a while, they wanted you to see them .Great topic to write about.

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