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Combs & Underland Down The Rabbit Hole With...

Jennifer David šŸ’œ

By Proud ViM ProductionsPublished 2 months ago ā€¢ 17 min read
Dallee and Canva cobbled

This week we caught up with Jennifer David....So enamoured were we that we couldn't resist asking them to join our wnderful Mod collective at PViM. So, we're all super excited! Welcome to the team Jenny!

(All the boring stuff)

MC: Cel should be joining us shortly. She's running a little behind. So if it's ok with you, we'll go ahead and start

Jennifer David: Ok, no problem. Of course!

MC: When did you start writing?

Jennifer David: I'm not sure. I'd say elementary school.

MC: What inspired you?

Jennifer David: Certain types of my writing have been inspired by different things. My poetry was inspired by my love of Shakespeare, in middle school. I was obsessed with the ideas he played with and how his stories were expressed. I loved his characters, and the drama. Then I fell in love with Pablo Neruda. My short stories have been inspired by dreams, music, my life, and my love of fairy tales. And one form of writing that I don't practice anymore, but am still looking for outlets to pursue, is journalism. And that has been inspired by my love of the truth and human nature. I love the art of storytelling, in general, and the ways I can express different stories has always fascinated me.

MC: That's awesome!!

Jennifer David: Thank you.

MC: You're welcome! What brought you to Vocal?

Jennifer David: I joined Vocal because I was looking for somewhere where I could share my writing and earn from it. Eventually, I realized that the money was nice but it wasn't my reason for staying. It also isn't, at all, a drawing card for me for the site. Vocal has generated a genuine community of writers pushing each other forward which is difficult to come by and be as accessible as it is

MC: That's a great reason to stay and a perfect way of putting it.

Jennifer David: ...Mhmm! It's definitely a place for creativity to be nurtured and expanded.

MC: Yes it is, and for making friends

Jennifer David: YES!!!! Which I'm generally slow at doing!

MC: So am I lol

Jennifer David: LOL!!! It means the friends you choose are the best kind!

MC: Yes they are ā¤

Jennifer David: Thank you! I hope you think I'm a lil nuts after!

MC: Which story of yours do you feel most describes you as a person?

Jennifer David: Hmmmā€¦I wrote a piece for the identity challenge called "Who Are You?" and that pretty accurately gives a pretty solid intro to who I am as a person.

MC: I'll have to read that one, I'll add it to my list.

Rustling from above

Underland: Hi, I am so sorry - been a bit sick and went back to bed (AKA had work ā€˜Teambuildingā€™ā€¦ The only way for introvert survival is alcoholā€¦spent the day hungover and sleeping)

Jennifer David:Hello! Oh no! I hope you're feeling a lil better

Underland: Yes I'm all good just needed to sleep it off!

Jennifer David: Glad to hear it!

Underland: Iā€™ll dive right in, I guessā€¦So, you came up with your ā€œThe Ad Collabā€, what inspired that idea?

Jennifer David: It came from me not seeing any collabs on Vocal. Later I had found that people had done them...Anyways, I saw challenge by challenge go by and none of them asked for people to work together which was crazy to me. Writing for me runs wild when it has different minds working together. The stories that come from collabs can be hilarious, creepy as all get out, heart felt,... you name it; but the feelings felt when more than one person is producing it are heightened beyond belief. I don't know how to accurately describe it but it's like magic. I do see that there are times to write solo; but, I was just sad that I hadn't seen a real opportunity to create together

MC: It was fun

Underland: Yeah, it's a shame that Vocal haven't yet come up with the tools to do that properly. It's kind of why we created the PViM account so that the group could collaborate and it wouldn't be posted on any one account.

Jennifer David: It really is. I'm glad that you both did!

Underland: Which of your pieces on Vocal do you think most reflect your style?

Jennifer David: Thatā€™s a toughy! I think it depends on my mood. And my style has changed so much that I'll just say I don't have one. However, "Bridge Over Troubled Water" reflects my goals more. When I was younger I wanted to tell stories that are well rounded by incorporating visuals, music, and writing. I haven't really been able to accomplish it, yet. But this is the closest I've gotten. When I heard Jacob Collier's "Bridge Over Troubled Water" I was inspired. The story came to me and I struggled to write it down. And from that story, more will be written.

MC: You mentioned your job to me, which I think is an interesting one. Can you tell us about it and any stories you may write about them?

Jennifer David: Uber?

MC: yes, ma'am

Jennifer David: I was checking because I couldn't remember which one I mentioned. I tend to be like JLo in "Monster in Law". But when it comes to Uber I mainly deliver for UberEats. I recently started driving for them a few weeks, maybe a month ago. I started it so that I could have flexible hours. I have a lot of things going on in my life that require me to work odd hours. I'm not sure what I would write about it. But your question does make me think of a challenge that Mackenzie Davis ran. The things people order on UberEats or have on their shopping lists has inspired some crazy laughs. And some of the houses I've delivered to have made me feel like I was hopefully not a main character in a horror story. I haven't gained the courage to drive for passengers yet...and I may never lol

Underland: LOL reminds me a bit of the Sleepy drafts, overheard conversations challenge - it must be great for character observation though!

Jennifer David: Yes! Definitely!

Underland: Do you have a weird and wonderful story from a delivery?

Jennifer David: Oof! Yes, I have a few. But, I don't know what I should and shouldn't say. So what I will say is, some people have been very kind and thoughtful while others have not. And others have made me almost pee my pants laughing. One of my first deliveries was at night, on a poorly lit street. I was more than a little afraid. And as I was walking up to the house, I belly laughed when I read their instructions. It said something like "leave it on the porch my fat ass will smell it". It wasn't that they said anything too out there but it immediately lifted my spirits. I hope to never forget that because it made me smile the rest of the night...and probably into the next day

Underland: Aw I love that, hilarious! What a way to make someoneā€™s night!

Jennifer David: Me too! And the stories get crazy but those are stories I'd tell over coffee or at the bar

Underland: So, where are you actually from in the US?

Jennifer David: I'm from NY. I've lived here my whole life

Underland: So what's it like growing up in NY? That's a pretty huge city!

Jennifer David: lol "I love New York" I believe is now tattooed on my heart. I grew up in Westchester, which is right outside the city. I've always explained that I love living close enough to visit whenever I want but far enough away to see the stars. I also like how accessible everything is. As an adult I've moved a little bit farther away than Westchester but I'm still pretty close and everything is still available at ungodly hours. I take pride in breakfast sandwiches. If you know you know. And I just have a lot of unnecessary NY pride. Anyway, I did not answer your question, yet! Growing up in NY was wonderful. I grew up surrounded by people who do and don't look like me. I was exposed to so many cultures. And every time I travel I am so thankful for that. I love embracing new cultures as well as my own. Growing up in NY is like a salad bowl...a world of people living together, coexisting, embracing their cultures, and sometimes working together (but not always LOL)...and a lot of cursing LOL

Underland: Aw I love that! For me NY I think is like some illusory place šŸ˜… Being from small town Wales-its the movies and the glam and the cutthroat...and the immigrant made good but I am fascinated with what it's really like beyond that.

Jennifer David: I definitely can understand that. It can be whimsical for me as well, especially during the holidays. And in certain areas, it's always a movie...until you see a rat the size of a dog

Underland: If I were to visit, where would you send me beyond the well traveled path?

Jennifer David: Just in the city or anywhere?

Underland: Anywhere!

Jennifer David: Hmmm if you're a walker I'd encourage you to walk across the Tappan Zee Bridge. It's beautiful and along it there are places to stop, rest, and enjoy the view. They also have some history throughout the bridge. And there are also bathrooms and vending machines on both the rockland and westchester sides of the bridge. I'd say you should try pizza in the city as well as in westchester so you can compare. People will argue different places so I'll protect myself and not say any specifics. Definitely try breakfast sandwiches and fresh bagels! I love love love bagels in New Rochelle. And of course there are some places that are well traveled that you should try like the museums! I go all the time and act like I've never seen them. And I'd try to find local restaurants rather than super popular ones. The food will be out of this world but also the people at smaller restaurants tend to be so interesting and welcoming....also visit a 24 hour deli

Underland: That all sounds amazing! ...Controversial I know...Pineapple on Pizza?

Jennifer David: Hard pass...but I've never tried it! Now I have to so I know

Underland: You do! I made an Italian co-worker try it...He lost a bet

Jennifer David: Oh no!!! challenge accepted!!!! Did they like it?

Underland: He said, 'It could be worse' šŸ¤£

Jennifer David: LMFAO

Underland: So you mentioned traveling...Where do you like to go?

Jennifer David: My goal is to go to as many places as possible, in and out of the country (safely). I've been to all the states on the east coast and a few that are more inland. CA is high on my list as well as Texas and most recently Montana. I most frequently visit NC and FL. Although, I used to visit MA more than anywhere because I love Boston. But I haven't been in a few years. When my sister moved to NY I no longer had a valid reason to impulsively drive to Boston for Lunch....maybe I should find another one!

Underland: What do you like so much about Boston?

Jennifer David: It's so beautiful! Technically I spent most of my time outside of Boston in areas near Somerville and Harvard Square. Everything is walkable, literally everything! The food is great and of it there's a wide variety. There's just something about it that makes me feel so happy.

Underland: What's your fave food? Like last day on earth, what are you eating?

Jennifer David: Oh no! I don't really have one lol But I do love pizza and sushi...and recently I've loved steak

Underland: Have you visited any other countries?

Jennifer David: I have. So far just the Dominican Republic, a few years ago.

Underland: Oooo what was that like?

Jennifer David: I had mixed feelings about it. I loved the excursions that we went on. Everything was beautiful. And I was shocked by the feeling I had being near so many people who looked just like me. It felt unexpectedly great. But I didn't like that there was a great divide between tourists and locals, almost like locals were beneath the people visiting. I hated that there was such a huge wall around our resort. I get the security. I get a lot of it but I didn't like the undertone or how locals were treated. I also didn't like experiencing the colorism that I saw. I've seen it here in the states, especially in NY, but I had never experienced it or seen it like I did there. Colorism is like racism for people of the same race, when people negatively see people darker than them. Anyway, that really broke my heart and made me not want to go back. But honestly, I did love the trip and the experience. I just always had those thoughts in the back of my mind which was disappointing

Underland: That is very sad-like people always seem to find some way to gain power by some perceived superiority šŸ™ . So you have Dominican heritage?

Jennifer David: Super sadā€¦No. My dad's side of the family is from the Carribean. And my mom's side is mainly from NY.

Underland: I think that is so cool! How did the different cultures manifest growing up? Did you also celebrate Caribbean traditions? And languages?

Jennifer David: Thank you šŸ™‚ Everyone on both sides of my family speaks English. But when we visited my dad's side of the family we (me and my siblings) were mainly introduced to our culture through food and we often heard our dad, aunts, uncles, and grandparents speak with an accent (mainly to each other) which was also awesome. My favorite food from my childhood from those memories is definitely pea soup which ironically doesn't have peas in it, which is honestly comical since I generally hate soup. I consider it food juice LOL

Underland: That's hilarious *food juice šŸ˜€ What does it have in it?

Jennifer David: LOL but it's so true! Iā€™m not sure, but it definitely does not have peas!

Underland: Where is first on your list to visit outside of the US next?

Jennifer David: Canada!

Underland: Why?

Jennifer David: I've never seen Niagara Falls and I heard that the Canadian side is better than the NY side. I'd like to see it and learn more about it. Then I'd just like to visit and sightsee

Underland: My Mom went with my step dad and they loved it! But then they haven't been to the NY side so no comparison to be drawn!

Jennifer David: Gasp! They went without you?!

Underland: Believe me, that's a good thing šŸ˜

Jennifer David: LOL Did they say how the food was?

Underland: Not really. They had oysters somewhere which they were apparently very impressed with

Jennifer David: Hmm I've never had them. I'm not big on seafood...but if they're impressive I'll definitely try. Always have to try it once

Underland: Yeah you do! I have a feeling you'll feel similarly to them as you do soup

Jennifer David: LOL!

Underland: Like what is food if you don't chew it?

Jennifer David: Oof! It's worse than death lol jk

Underland: I had one once in South Korea.It was...interesting

Jennifer David:J Omg! How was South korea?

Underland: Aw it was wonderful, I lived there for 5 years so have a soft spot for it. I have always loved the 'Eastern' culture Since I was a kid so getting to live there was a dream x

Jennifer David: OMG! That must've been awesome! Living out your dreams is such a badass experience!

Underland: Yeah India is next on the go to list! Gonna take a while though x

Jennifer David: Oh! One of my best friends if Guyanese, Indian descent. I wrote about her mom on Vocal.

Underland: Which story is that? I'd love to read it!

Jennifer David: "A Letter to You: Doshini"

Underland: Do you have plans beyond Vocal? Novels..memoirs...?

Jennifer David: Yes, I'm in the process of writing a book. I never thought it was going to be a book until I tried to write it as a short story and it wasn't the right format for that story to be told. I'm excited about the endeavor but it's intimidating.

Underland: What's it about?

Jennifer David: I don't want to give away that story just yet. But it's fiction and a fairy tale retold story. I'm in love with those stories and have been playing around with those ideas since high school

Underland: Aw wow! Love that, one of my favourite writers is Angela Carter so that sounds right up my alley!

Jennifer David: Yeah? I haven't heard of her but would love to check her out!

Underland: 'The Bloody Chamber' is phenomenal. I will definitely read yours though -I love a good fairytale reworking! If you do get round to checking out Carter I'd love to hear what you think x

Jennifer David: Thank you! I'll check it out for sure and let you know!

Underland: Do you have a fave author?

Jennifer David: Oh goodness. I have a hard time picking favorites of anything LOL If it's socially acceptable I've give the first three that came to mind Tim O'Brien, Shakespeare, and maybe....I'll just give two LOL

Underland: We don't care about socially acceptable here šŸ˜ So, besides writing your book, what's on your bucket list?

Jennifer David:.I'd like to see something that everyone thinks doesn't exist. Did you know flying fish are a thing? I didnā€™t know about them until recently.

Underland: I did...only since I read Life of Pi thoughā€¦then got obsessed šŸ¤£

Jennifer David: Oh that's a good movie!

Underland: The book is even better. Though the movie does a fair job I think

Jennifer David: Oh no! Now I have to read it to truly know.

Underland: First part I think is a bit on the slow side but it redeems itself in the second half ..What movies do you typically go for?

Jennifer David: Anything. But I have an obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A normal person would be embarrassed to say how many times, and in different variations, I've seen those movies.

Underland: Aw own it! If you love it, why not!

Jennifer David: Exactly!!! No shame in this game!

Underland: really liked Guardians of the Galaxy but that's the only one I've seen so should get on that! But have the visual attention span of a moth!

Jennifer David: the first one?

Underland: Yes...I think I saw the second but don't remember šŸ˜•

Jennifer David: That's a good one. And the soundtracks for the Guardians movies are amazing. The second movie was terrible the first time that I saw it but when I gave it another chance it was worth watching.

Underland: I don't have a TV so if I watch anything its through the laptop...which means I quarter watch most things šŸ˜€

Jennifer David: LOL!!!

Underland: So which Marvel movie would you direct me towards as a newb?

Jennifer David: Captain America! It's the first movie on the timeline. And I can never watch it with a dry eye.

Underland: Yeah one of my kids used a quote from it in his application to MIT and it's been on my list for a year!

Jennifer David: MIT?!?!?! That's badass!!!

Underland: Yaaay he is badass! And their application process is badass too šŸ¤£ Alright I think I'm running out of Qs..Do you have anything you would like me to ask...to highlight something important to you that I've missed?

Jennifer David: No not really. but I would like to thank you both for the work that you're doing. I haven't read all of the interviews, yet, but they are so informative and fun. And I can personally say that being interviewed by you guys has made me feel seen and appreciated. I've been so excited since you guys asked me. Thank you so much! Also have you guys considered interviewing each other? You guys are so interesting and it would be so cool to get to know you both more!

Underland: Aw that's so lovely! I had no idea it made any impact like that. We just wanted to showcase awesome people! I have absolutely loved getting to know you! Like truly!

Jennifer David: It most certainly does! Thank you! Talking to you has made me wish we could've done this in person over coffee.It's been awesome

Underland: Same! It really has! Coffee and a bagel!

Jennifer David: Yes!!!

Underland: Speak soon! Have a great rest of the day!

Jennifer David: you too!!!!

An infinite amount of time laterā€¦MC wakes up from a mid interview snoozeā€¦

MC: Pineapple isn't bad on pizza

Underland: That's you're going with? Really? šŸ¤£ We missed you MC!

MC: Yes, and I stick by it. Sorry I was gone so long. Missed y'all What type of animal do you like?


Jennifer David: Hmm I love dogs but I'm also working on not being afraid of them....In general, I'm not much of an animal person.

MC: Some people are like that ā€¦favorite color

Jennifer David:Pink šŸ™‚

MC: You don't watch tv?

Jennifer David: Not really. I used to. I'm more of a movie or book girlie

MC: What hobbies do you have?

Jennifer David: Writing is at the top of the list, along with music, travel, hiking/walk. and reading

MC: What's the best book you've ever read?

Jennifer David: Other than the Bible? That's hard to choose. I really couldn't say. But the book that inspired a lot of my writing and my perspective is "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien. That book is the inspiration for my "Letter to You" series. But if I had to definitively say I'd probs just say the Bible. It's too hard to choose from the other books I've read.

MC: Sorry for disappearing! Hope you have a good rest of the day! Thank you so much for taking the time!

Jennifer David: Aw itā€™s ok and you too, thank you so much!


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You can also catch up with Mother Combs and Celia Underland on their respective profiles on Vocal.

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About the Creator

Proud ViM Productions

Alone, we are letters floating in the wind. Combined, we are an Opus. We hold community in our core, "We all rise when we lift each other up"


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  • ROCK 2 months ago

    Really great to learn more about you Jennifer!

  • Lindsay Sfara2 months ago

    Captain America is a GREAT choice (Winter Soldier is my favorite movie still from Marvel). And It's definitely true that the Canadian side of Niagara Falls is better than the U.S. side. You'll have fun there once you go! So nice to learn more about Jennifer, thanks for the interview!

  • Jennifer David2 months ago

    This was so much fun! Thank you guys again for having me!

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