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Ulm on the Danube

A city in Germany

By Rasma RaistersPublished 18 days ago 3 min read

Located in the federal German state of Baden-Wurrtemberg, Ulm is a lovely city on the River Danube.

Munster the large Gothic cathedral in Ulm is a most impressive sight. It has an amazing 161.5-meter-high steeple, the world’s tallest. It took 500 years to build this cathedral after the first stone was laid in 1377. There are hallmarks on each stone that were inscribed by cutters, who were paid by the block. Visitors can get an impressive view of the city by climbing up 768 spiral steps up to the 143-meter-high viewing platform of the tower. On a clear day, you can see the Black Forest and the Alps.

The Israel fenster, a stained-glass window above the west door, commemorates Jews, who were killed during the Holocaust. Inside is a Gothic-style wooden pulpit canopy which eliminates echoes during sermons. The 15th-century oak choir stalls are decorated with Biblical figures and historical characters like Pythagoras.

Of interest is the red-brick city wall Stadtmauer that runs along the north bank of the Danube. Walking along the wall you’ll have wonderful views of the river, the Altstadt, and the colorful tile-roofed Metzgerturm.

To the east of the Herdbrucke, the bridge to New Ulm is a bronze plaque dedicated to Albrecht Berblinger. Berblinger was a tailor who invented a flying machine and tried to fly over the Danube in 1811. He is known as the “Tailor of Ulm”. His flying attempt was a failure but later on, his design was shown to be workable.

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm but his family moved when he was one year old. Jurgen Goertz has created an amusing bronze fountain that shows a wild-haired Einstein with his tongue sticking out. Close by at Zeughaus 14 is a single stone with the inscription Ein Stein or One Stone.

On Bahnhofstrasse, you can find Max Bill’s 1979 monument to Einstein – a stack of red-granite pillars marking the spot where Einstein was born.

Overshadowing the Marktplatz is the 14th-century, step-gabled Rathaus with an ornately painted Renaissance facade and a gilded astrological clock. Inside the Town Hall, you’ll find a replica of Albrecht Berblinger’s flying machine.

In front is the Fischkastenbrunnen – a fountain where fishmongers used to keep their catch during market days.

Behind the Rathaus is the Zentralbibliothek, the city’s main library designed by Gottfried Bohm. The library is an impressive glass pyramid.

Ulmer Museum displays ancient and modern art, history, and archaeology. Highlights include the 20th-century Kurt Fried Collection with artworks by Klee, Picasso, and Lichtenstein. Archaeological highlights include tiny Upper Paleolithic figurines found in caves in the Swabian Alps, including the 30,000-year-old ivory Lowenmensch or Lion Man which is the world’s oldest zoomorphic sculpture.

Take a stroll through the charming old fishers’ and tanners’ quarter Fischerviertel. Here you can see lovely restored half-timber houses lined along the two channels of the Blau River. Here you’ll discover art galleries, rustic restaurants, courtyards, and the most crooked house in the world as well as the narrowest cobbled lanes.

Here you'll find the famous Crooked House. A lovely 14th-century timber-framed house which is now the Hotel Schiefes Hause Ulm.

The concrete and glass Stadthaus City Hall was designed by Richard Meier. It looks most striking against Ulm’s Gothic cathedral. There are exhibitions displayed here and events take place. The house is also home to a tourist office and a cafe.

The Kunsthalle Weishaupt displays the private collection of Siegfried Weishaupt. There is a special accent placed on modern and pop art and bold paintings by Kein, Warhol, and Haring.

The Museum of Bread Culture offers visitors an insight into the history of bread and baking from ancient to modern times. There are many interesting exhibits. The museum is also home to an impressive art collection. English-language guided tours are available.

The amazing Oath House was built on the old King Palace. On the first Monday of July, this is an important building when the city's Lord Mayor gives his account of the previous year's events. Inside you'll find the local history museum.

A small but wonderful zoo is the Tiergarten Ulm. You can see a collection of exotic animals as well as goats, deer, alpacas, and others.

The Tropical House has wallabies, Capuchin monkeys, Mississippi alligators, crocodiles, gibbons, and other warm climate species.

An 18-meter-long Danube Tunnel had cold water and tropical fish swimming among coral and sea anemones.

The amazing Benedictine Monastery of Wiblingen is just five km from Ulm. It was founded in the 11th century. Wiblingen Abbey is home to a Baroque church built in 1780 with sculptures and ceiling paintings by Januarius Zick.


About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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