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Acrostic Poem #2

Today's Word is CURMUDGEON

By Dr. Randy KaplanPublished 17 days ago 2 min read
Image licensed from Freepix and is licensed to the Author. Do not copy or disttibute.

C - clearly critical concerned cantankerous

U - using

R - representing reality

M - meaningfully

U - utterly understanding

D - discontent displeasure discerning

G - greyhaired gruff

M - muttering meaningful maverick moody

U - undercutting

D - demonstrative disappointed

G - growing gruff

E - evaluating evaluative

O - obstreperously

N - noisy

clearly, critical, concerned, cantankerous, using, representing reality, meaningfully, utterly understanding, discontent, displeasure, discerning, greyhaired, gruff, muttering, meaningful, maverick moody, undercutting, demonstrative disappointed, growing, gruff, evaluating, evaluative, obstreperously, and noisy

Poem by Gemeni with the prompt:

Write a rhyming poem using every one of the following words and phrases: clearly, critical, concerned, cantankerous, using, representing reality, meaningfully, utterly understanding, discontent, displeasure, discerning, greyhaired, gruff, muttering, meaningful, maverick moody, undercutting, demonstrative disappointed, growing, gruff, evaluating, evaluative, obstreperously, and noisy

The old man sat with furrowed brow, A grumpy cloud, a discontent somehow. His grizzled beard, a shade of grey, Framed lips that muttered all the day.

A critic, some might say, a cynic true, His words like darts, his judgments flew. Concerned, perhaps, but in a gruff disguise, With discerning eyes that scrutinized.

"This world," he'd growl, "is far too noisy, Obstreperous youth, so utterly voiceless, They lack the meaning, the depth of thought, Just fleeting trends,to nothing brought."

He'd scoff and scowl at what he saw, Displeasure etched, a rigid law. "These maverick moods, this constant change, Disrupt the order, rearrange

The world we knew," he'd mutter low, "A simpler time, where things were slow." He missed, perhaps, a clearer view, The world evolving, ever new.

But then a child, with eyes so bright, Offered a flower, a joyful sight. The gruff facade began to crack, A tiny smile, drawn way back.

The child, unfazed, reached for his hand, A silent plea, a simple demand. The old man gruff, his heart grew warm, A silent promise weather the storm.

For in that child, a future lay, A chance to grow, in a different way. He'd learn to listen, to understand, The changing world, held in his hand.

Perhaps, the critic deep inside, Could find new meaning, cast judgment aside. For discontent, though sharp and cold, Can turn to purpose, if we're bold.

Image licensed from Freepix and is licensed to the Author. Do not copy or disttibute.

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For Fun

About the Creator

Dr. Randy Kaplan

Welcome to my Vocal page and storicles that are published here. Some time ago I started a migration to Vocal. I have now decided to move ahead. During the next couple of weeks, I will move my stories to Vocal.

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