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Why "How to beat the conjuring" is dangerous

the YouTube chanel's newest video

By Lena BaileyPublished 19 days ago Updated 19 days ago 4 min read

I want to start this post off by saying that I have no problem with the videos on the channel "how to beat". I understand that they are for entertainment, but it can still be dangerous. I don't want this to sound like I'm sending him hate because I'm not. Please do not send him hate either.

Let's start off by saying one thing. You can never beat a demon; you can try to get rid of them, but it will be hard. You shouldn't even be doing things to bring in demons. Avoid going to places that are mainly haunted by evil or demon spirits. Also avoid using Ouija boards.

Then let's also talk about the story of the conjuring. This would be some basics if you want to know more, research them. It follows the story of the Perron family who moved into a haunted house in the 1970s. The story lasts for weeks or months. The oldest daughter said that there was something off about the property. They were even told to leave their lights on at night by a neighbor. There were weird noises beyond old house noises. They think there was a group of ghosts. Some were nice ghosts that would even tuck them in at night. Then they would get attacked in the barn. The ghosts would tell them people were buried in the wall. They would also smell rotting flesh. Bathesba was one of the main ghosts that was a bad ghost. The ghosts would tell them to get out then poke and push them. Bathesba was a witch that sacrificed her kids then hung herself. The family had to call in help from the Warrens eventually.

Now let's talk about "how to beat" and their video. The channel talks about what went wrong in different horror movies and what could be done differently. Now this wouldn't be a problem until they talk about the paranormal. Not everyone is equipped to deal with demons. So I will go over anything that is said that may be problematic. The one thing that was not mentioned is that if something is boarded off take that as a sign and maybe board it up after cleaning and cleansing it.

Yes there is always a logical explanation but that can be proven but if it paranormal you need to take care it of quickly. He suggested telling the kids that their invisible friend is a demon, don't tell them that. Also don't set anything on fire. Take away any antiques that aren't yours. They can either be cleansed or disposed of. Do not donate them or sell them to someone else. The creator of this video also mentions that their maybe no time to get a professional to cleanse the house. Do call someone if you are not sure of how because if you cleanse it the wrong way it may make it worse. You can try to cleanse it yourself and use a priest or spiritualist as a back up. If you are seeing things professionals, are needed.

Some of his definitions maybe a little off. I may be able to write about the ins and out of spirits at some point. Like poltergeist may not mean what we all think it means.

I don't think that everyone needs to get the full history of every house they buy but if you want to at bare minimum you can ask about past owners or deaths/ crimes on the property. If spooky things start happening then you can do deep dive and take the right course of action. Not all spirits are made equal.

You should always get a religious leader involved when a demonic spirit is involved whether you are religious are not. Destroying the tree or other things on the property could make the hauntings worse or pass on the demon to someone else.

You don't necessarily need a with or a witch ball. Different ghosts and situations need different people or objects/tools. Some spirits are above what spiritualist or witches can do. Also don't limit yourself to one way of doing things because it could not work on the spirit you're dealing with. Hang empty bottles is not a substitute for a witch ball. The point of the witch ball is not the ball it's about the stuff in the ball.

It's never too late to save any person, place or thing. Measures can be taken at any level of haunt or possession. It could become close to impossible but it is worth a shot.

Priest will have to bless more than people to make a spirit to go away. People and buildings will both need to blessed. Things may also need to be blessed too. Crosses will only work if people are practicing Christians. Also be careful restraining people to anything during exorcisms in case you have to rush them to the hospital. The only reason you should is if they are overpowering those trying to help. Make sure you can get the restraints off quickly in case of a medical emergency.

Ed and Loraine know what they are doing with their possessed things. Their kids also know how to handle the objects in the house.

If dealing with a demon possession do not punch or hit the person. If you try to physically hurt the possessed person, they will hurt you 100 times worse because they have a strength that is unmatched. Rope and sheets were used to subdue the possessed and the demon. Remove all sharp objects or weapons from the area until the demon is gone.

I also don't like how the creator use air quotes while using the words professionals while talking about the warrens. The warrens are the professionals.

I don't think that the creator of the video knows anything about paranormal things. If he doesn't he shouldn't be making videos about the paranormal.

pop culture

About the Creator

Lena Bailey

Georgia born writer. Specializing in dating and true crime

If you have any questions or comments please email [email protected]

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