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My Haunted House

I'm not kidding.

By Dallas WortleyPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

I've always been a bit sensitive to the supernatural, and I know that old land means old spirits. Every house I've lived in has either had shadows running in the corner of my eyes or a residual spirit who just repeats. This house I'm in now is completely different. Three spirits that I know of, all intelligent spirits.

Let's start with the first one. We'll call her Jane. Jane likes to pace my kitchen and dining room. Every now and again she'll mimic voices, and open the nursery door. Three years ago, I moved into this house. At the time, Jane was the only spirit there. I could feel her presence and could hear her pacing at night. One night my significant other was staying over, I wake up to what I thought was him telling me to move over. Turns out I was already on the edge of the bed and he was dead asleep. Then Jane started mimicking my voice to him as well. After saging the house, she calmed down and stays in the kitchen. Now I have no information on Jane. There's no reports of any death in my house or on the land of my house.

Now the second spirit. He is an animal spirit. Sounds weird but it happens. His name is Bobo. He was my late dog. I lost him in a tragic accident. He goes everywhere in the house I go. I hear his nails on the floor and the jingle of his collar. Sometimes he'll even jump in bed and cuddle up. There's not much to talk about Bobo.

Finally, my last spirit, my late father-in-law. Manny died four years ago and has been quietly following my significant other around. The reason I say quietly is because if you ask my mother-in-law, she'll tell you he's moved on. Yet she speaks ill of the dead every time she gets the chance. I'd stay quiet too. He first started making his presence known when my son was born. My son will look down the hallway and laugh when no one is even near the hallway. He'll look passed me and look confused. Slowly he started to get more active. I'd smell cologne that my significant other doesn't wear. When I sent my significant other's ring to get fixed, his father made it, Manny became super active. My significant other and I were in the kitchen cooking and cleaning when I began to hear someone trying to turn the front door handle and leaning on it like someone trying to open it. My significant other goes to look if anyone is out there. Nobody. The street is unusually empty. We go back to what were doing then I start hearing heavy footsteps behind us. Nobody is there. Then in the other room, my son was in his room napping at the time, out broom slams to the ground. When we went in there to figure out what happened, it sounds like dishes start falling in the kitchen. I went in there and nothing had moved. Luckily we have the ring back and he has calmed back down.

Just recently, something has been draining battery life in my house. First it was the smoke detector. Back story, I have 3 in my home. One in the kitchen, one in the hallway, and one in my room. I put new batteries in them all at the same time. The one in the kitchen goes off the most obviously. But the one that the batteries are dying in, is the one in my room. At first I thought it was just a faulty battery, happens sometimes, but I had only put them in there a month ago. My landlord have given me new smoke detectors because it's an old home. So I brushed it off, took the batteries out of it so I could sleep. Two more in the house, if a fire happens, I'll know. Any way, two days go by and now my Jeep's battery is completely dead. No doors were left open, nothing to cause it to die. I brush it off, thinking it is just because it is getting cold outside. I was wrong. Guess where my Jeep is parked outside? Right outside my room. This continues for a few days. Anywhere else it'll start right up, but if it is parked in the carport by my room, it dies. Then all the sudden, it stops. My Jeep starts right up. Until last night, when the detector in the hallway started giving the sign that it is dying. Once again neither one that is dying is the one that actually goes off. I tend to burn stuff, but that is what happens when you have a distracting 10 month old. Back to the point, these two detectors should not be dying. So now I'm worried about who or what is draining these batteries. All I can think about is what happened when I was pregnant. I wonder if it is back again. I really hope not.

When I was pregnant, before I lost my Bobo, I had a nightmare. It was a very, very, very vivid dream. I have one every so often. It started off with my significant other and I were laying in bed watching a scary movie, he was laying on my belly. A jump scare happened and my significant other jumped. I made fun of him like I usually would. All the sudden, his head came off my belly, but it wasn't him. This thing was laying face down on my belly. It had no eyes, just black hallow wholes where they should have been. Skin as pale as death and sharp teeth, long black flat hair as if it were wet. I was so scared, I woke up. My sleep shirt was up over my belly. I got scared that it wasn't just a dream and ran in to the bathroom to check my stomach. Mainly because where that thing was on my belly, it hurt. When I reached my bathroom, which is attached to my bedroom, I looked at my belly. Right above my belly button was a perfect red circle as if something had been sucking on it. After that I saged my room. You can mess with me all you want but not my son.


About the Creator

Dallas Wortley

I'm a wife and mother of one. I'm a geek, who loves to tell stories. some true others come from the mind. Some true ones hard to believe they happened but too real to be made up.

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