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7 Stephen King Adaptions We've Yet To See!

Netflix Should Jump On These Stories ASAP

By Matt LoftusPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
We're All Waiting Mr King

When it comes to Stephen King, you'd be hard-pressed to find another author with as many number one best-selling books that have also been turned into movies/TV shows over the years. However, there's a portion of his work that never seems to come up in conversation and I for one want to see them brought to life dammit!

So let's head into 7 of his stories that have yet to appear on-screen.

7. Joyland (Published in 2013)

Take The Ride and Die!

Joyland is a thriller set around the coming of age story for protaganist Devin Jones who decides to spend his summer working at an amusement park. Wanting to escape a failed relationship, Devin becomes embroiled in the hunt for a murderer and the life of a dying child who has remarkable abilities. King is very good at spinning a story about growing up and this one has plenty of heart and soul to it. I have no idea why Netflix hasn't already produced this tale as it has already had success adapting King's "Into The Tall Grass", "Gerald's Game" and "1922". Here's hoping they find their way to covering Joyland as soon as they can.

6. The Reapers Image (Published in 1969)

If You See Him, You're Dead

A striking title I think you'll agree and one of King's early efforts from his magazine submission days as a struggling writer. It's a very short tale revolving around a man coming to look at the Delver-looking glass which is said to reveal the image of the reaper to anyone who dares gaze upon it. Of course in true King fashion anyone who does seems to disapears from the face of the earth! Worth a short anthology like adaption at the very least I'd say

5. "N" (Published in "Just After Sunset" 2009)

The Stones Are The Doorway!

Technically this story had an animated adaption by Marvel back when it was released in King's "Just After Sunset" collection and yet it's ripe for a major motion picture. The story follows a sister grief-stricken at the apparent suicide of her psychiatrist brother, as she delves into his case files she finds the tale of "N" and his fears about a certain Ackermans Field that holds a doorway to another world. This is King at his very Lovecraftian and it's a story I've read a lot (hell there's an audiobook too) but I really want to see this adapted by a competent horror filmmaker.

It was announced "N" was being adapted into a series and the pilot would be directed by David.F.Sandberg who is one of my favourite 'new" filmmakers. Time will tell if the doorway will open to that other world

4. The Long Walk (Published in "The Bachman Books" 1979)

If You Fall, You're Down For The Count

Published under King's pseudonym Richard Bachman, the story follows a set of runners who have to complete an incredible endurance test and the prize is their lives. Along the way they develop deep bonds and it shows how compelling the human spirit can be. This story won't ever go out of style as the present keeps showing us all how scary things can get when the Government seemingly use the working class as canon-fodder. This project has been in development over at New Line Cinema and hopefully it'll make its way to the finish line in the next few years.

3. The Monkey (Published in 1980)

Monkey See, Monkey Kill!

Everyone's probably heard the old tale of the monkey's paw, well this is King's version, which consists of a mysterious toy monkey that can can grant someone's death when it claps its cymbals. A father tries to save his family from the damned monkey that comes back from his childhood to wreck his life. Very creepy and screaming out for an adaption like 40 years ago!!

2. Blaze (Published in 2007)

Sympathy For The Devil

This is one of King's "Trunk" novels, he wrote it decades ago but finally dusted it off and got it published. Blaze follows a 'noir' type tale of two would be con artists who try to pull off a big score with an infant kidnapping. To explain anymore would do the novel a dis-service, its a sad tale of life changing on the "head of a dime" but has plenty of King's heart to warm the reader.

1. Later (Published in 2021)

The Dead Confess Their Secrets

Another hard-crime novel with King juggling a fully supernatural-based tale in a very real world. Set in the 2000s, it follows a boy called Jamie who can see and talk to the deceased, they all have secrets to tell but some of them won't forgive him for prying. Luckily Blumhouse has picked up the rights and are adapting a TV series as I write this. Don't wait for it, read it before its released.

That's All Constant Reader

So that's my list and really that's just 7 of the projects I'd like to see from Stephen King. Luckily for all of us he's showing no signs of slowing down, I know there will be plenty more to come and as horror fan I cannot wait. Now I'm off to read his latest novel Billy Summers, which no doubt will make it to another list in the near future so keep'em peeled.


About the Creator

Matt Loftus

Horror-obsessed writer and Filmmaker

Read my ramblings here and see my short films on YouTube:MattLoftus85

My TikTok @mattloftus85

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

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  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    Thank you so much for this list. I've added all of these to my 'To Watch List'

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