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The Peacock and the Nightingale

A Song of Inner Light and Outer Brilliance

By Ojas BaidPublished about a month ago 1 min read

In a vibrant meadow, lived a flamboyant Peacock named Bartholomew. His feathers shimmered with every color imaginable, his tail a dazzling display when fanned out. He strutted about, preening and boasting to anyone who would listen.

One day, a humble Nightingale settled in a nearby bush. Her feathers were a simple brown, yet her song filled the meadow with a melody so sweet and pure, it stopped the wind in its tracks. The other animals, tired of Bartholomew's arrogance, were captivated. They gathered around the Nightingale, entranced by her beautiful voice.

Bartholomew, furious at being ignored, approached the Nightingale. "Your voice may be pleasant," he scoffed, "but look at you! A drab little bird. No one cares about a plain Jane when there's magnificent plumage like mine to behold!"

The Nightingale continued to sing, unfazed. A wise old Owl hooted from a nearby branch, "True beauty, Bartholomew, lies not in outward appearance, but in the gifts you possess. Your feathers may be dazzling, but the Nightingale's song touches the soul."

Bartholomew scoffed again, but the Owl's words lingered. He watched as the other animals, inspired by the Nightingale's song, danced and sang together. Shamefaced, he realized outward beauty paled in comparison to the joy his talents could bring.

From that day on, Bartholomew used his vibrant feathers to attract attention, then stepped aside to allow the Nightingale's song to truly shine. Together, their combined beauty filled the meadow with both dazzling spectacle and heartwarming melody.

Moral of the Story: True beauty lies not just in appearance, but in how you use your talents to bring joy to others.


About the Creator

Ojas Baid

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  • Andrea Corwin about a month ago

    Love it. The owl is the wisdom of the land.

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