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01:03 - Memories Then & Now

Grey Mane series - Book 1: Chapter 3

By Graham CookePublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 5 min read
Unsplash photo - Pea Coat - by Katarzyna Grabowska

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Chapter 3

Sitting now, in a semi-reclining but distinctly uncomfortable chair, in the branch manager's office, Grey opens his mouth to begin speaking but is fast cut off by Mr. Adams, the bank branch manager. "Why didn't you wait earlier? - he asks, continuing - We could have completed the required business, without you calling my Regional Manager!"

At this point, Grey is more than exasperated with Mr. Adams and would just like the business finished. But to make a poor decision that could compound further problems upon an already flustered bank manager would do no good. So, Grey took the high road.

"Look! Before my original arrival to the branch, I had no knowledge your branch had just been robbed - until your Regional Manager informed me of the incident. Apparently, this branch gets robbed - a lot? Plus, I had some delicate business to discuss with you and I could see you had more pressing matters with the police officer, so I left."

"Yes, yes; true enough;" Mr Adams says.

"But let me be brutally honest, Mr Adams. Do you not remember meeting me just over a week ago, in your Regional Manager's office? Possibly the reason for that meeting? Plus, the reason I chose your branch as my destination and not another regional branch? Why; even contacting you solely by front desk staff; using the phrase Pre-authorized Withdrawal? Do you not remember any of this?"

Mr Adams, looking perplexed, in regards to the questions and possibly more, erupts in frustration, "Why are you questioning me so? I've not done anything wrong. I'm here as a manager to expedite all forms of service for this branch's customers."

Grey is just about to respond to the managers outburst when Mr Adam's desk phone rings, to which the manager reaches and pulls the handset to his ear and mouth. Mr Adams never speaks to the handset but his reaction indicates something altogether different which Grey has witnessed before - long ago.

Grey reaches across the desk and swipes the handset from Mr. Adam's hand - the manager not even reacting. Grey doesn't listen at first. He only speaks quickly into the handset mouth piece, "Code 7-7-1-1-5." Placing the telephone handset back in the cradle, he waits; not long, though.

The telephone ring emanates through the office and the manager doesn't even respond. Greg reaches across and tips the handset off the cradle and into hands-free speakerphone mode.

"Grey Mane; it's been a while." That voice! Grey knew that voice; a voice from his past - long ago and also more recent. He'd sooner have wished not to speak with the voice at the other end. But it was time. He'd procrastinated on this for the better part of five years now.

"Sir." Grey knew it wouldn't be long given Mr Adam's state before his old associates, likely Bobby and Hamish, would come into the branch to escort the manager away. Grey wasn't about to let that happen.

"Grey; you know what happens next. The boys will arrive and escort the gentleman out. Please, I really would appreciate if you don't put up a fuss for Bobby and Hamish."

There; his thoughts and thus a strategy to combat their arrival was confirmed. Grey, himself, still had tricks of the trade he could use to swing a person out of an induced hypnotic trance like REAL could induce over the telephone or in person. Of course he knew. He once was a REAL agent himself and after having learned the tricks of the trade could induce deep hypnosis remotely or in person, and also awaken someone from such a state in the same manner. It was usually all a matter of keywords.

Think, Grey! Think! Fast.

"So, Sir; I must ask: why this gentleman here at this particular bank branch? What makes him so special to be worthy of REAL extraction and relocation? I mean, that is what this is? Am I correct in that analysis?"

"Ah, yes; Grey! Ever the astute student of mine. Quite true. The Risk Evaluation Analysis Logistics - REAL - department was contacted by a CRA rep and asked to conduct an "interview" of the subject. You know this is only but one of many tasks we perform since you were one my staff for close to twenty years - before you so abruptly left."

Grey has decided he really doesn't want to wait around much longer, given the length of time he's been on the phone with his old boss. Having good intuition kept him going on the job for twenty years, but now, he'd sooner kiss a crab then have to listen to Hamish drone on or Bobby crack his knuckles constantly. He best scoot, but not before pulling a fast one on the Boss.

"Well, this guy really isn't so much a friend nor a client. So, guess he's yours'. I've already spoken with his Boss. Guess I get to keep something as a bonus. See ya - not!," and with that Grey reached over replacing the handset onto the cradle - not even worrying to wipe prints off.

So, he best make this quick before Hamish and Bobby arrive. Grey dumps all the robbery loot cash all over the manager's desk, in a loose jumble. Then, Grey walks behind the manager, leans down to his right ear and firmly but pleasantly says, "Beauty Day, eh!" - in a quick Cockney accent fashion. It usually works, Grey thinks; it usually does ....

Suddenly, the manager, Mr Adams, awakens out of his induced trance gazing down upon his desk, in astonishment and surprise. Seeing all the money, Mr Adams pitches back in his chair, "What in the Lord's name?" To which Grey replies, "The Lord had nothing to do with it. I suggest you call you regional manager right now and he will explain, and may I make a suggestion. Stay on the phone with him and do not answer your door after I leave nor hang up your phone until after your Regional Manager tells you it is okay to open the door. Alright? Besides, I think you are likely still in shock from the earlier robbery. We'll discuss it further - later - after you have some time with your regional manager. Good day!"

Grey exits the manager's office, and seeing Hamish and Bobby approaching, knowing he can't leave the hapless moron to them quite yet, decides to wrench off the doorknob with a quick twist.

Figuring Hamish and Bobby have been alerted to his presence, and deciding to not linger himself, Grey hunches over and slides into the teller line-up. Not two minutes after they pass, Grey throws a leg over the line-up rope and walks out the front door.

Again, Grey berates himself: why, oh why, do I put myself out there - on a limb - for others? Maybe it's my mixed up sense of ethics. One of these days - one of these days - and he starts to think that day might not be too long away, and he's going to regret saying "Yes" to someone asking, "Help, please."

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About the Creator

Graham Cooke

Semi-retired contract technical writer, editor and content developer now writing creatively in the genres of adventure, post-apocalyptic and science fiction, and technical gear reviews.

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