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The things that grow us

Little hands with big hearts

By SharikaPublished 2 years ago 1 min read

Two little hearts that beat with mine,

Oh how I wish I could turn back time.

To take back those days when I was overwhelmed,

And whisper “they won’t be little for long”

To my past self.

To cherish all those sleepless nights,

because the day will come when their not by your side.

To pick them up just that much more,

because once they find their legs it’s their time to soar.

I’d take more photos and more time to unwind,

If I had known 0-4 was such a precious time.

It’s when they learn all the things that make them unique,

Making silly faces and learning socks don’t go on your hands, they go on your feet.

It’s when you see how resilient they are,

as you watch them stubble and pick them up when they fall.

You see the determination in their little faces,

As they try their hardest to make it.

To take those steps to your open arms or remember the letters in the alphabet song.

To eat with a spoon, instead of making messes or dress themselves in their tiny outfits.

They watch you closely and absorb all that they can.

Like how to be safe and when to take mommy’s hand.

Cherish these times, because time doesn’t go slow.

One day you’ll look back and wonder where did those years go.

childrens poetry

About the Creator


I love writing, creating something out of nothing, the world is a canvas. Musically anything goes. I was the girl in high school in the corner with ear buds and notepad. Now I’m the women who dances to her own drum barefoot on shore.

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Comments (1)

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  • Tiffany Gordon 5 months ago

    gorgeous work! gorgeous babies too! You have serious writing chops! I loved every bit of this!

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