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Nebulous Mirage


By Raj’s VocalPublished 22 days ago 1 min read
Nebulous Mirage
Photo by Saad Alfozan on Unsplash

In the depths of the universe I gaze,

A world of wonders in an infinite haze.

Behold the nebulous mirage I see,

A cosmic dance of possibility.

Planets twirl in a celestial waltz,

While stars glitter, giving off their cosmic pulse.

Galaxies collide, creating a brilliant display,

A cosmic symphony in a never-ending ballet.

Black holes devour light with a voracious hunger,

While supernovae explode, a cosmic thunder.

Dark matter weaves its mysterious tapestry,

A silent force shaping our cosmic destiny.

In the vast expanse of the universe I find,

A universe so vast, so complex, so divine.

Each day brings new revelations, new mysteries to unravel,

A cosmic journey to explore and marvel.

So let us gaze into the nebulous abyss,

And ponder the wonders of the cosmos in bliss.

For in the universe, we are but a speck,

A tiny part of a cosmic tapestry so complex.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Raj’s Vocal

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