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I Do

by R. E. Little

By Robyn LittlePublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Mr and Mrs Femur had been together through life and refused to part in death. They lived in a little tomb within the Molar cemetery in western Bonearia with only a few gravebours nearby and they couldn't be happier. Mr Femur had been a bank clerk in life and he kept his bowler hat and briefcase from back then. Mrs Femur had sold jewelry and it clanked against her rib cage to this day.

Every day, Mrs. Femur would share jewelry with the gravebours and Mrs. Femur would go down to Bonejangles the local watering hole. When they would come home they would clean up their tomb and dance under the full moon. They had always been very happy together in life and they were content together in death.

Then one day something very strange happened, Mr femur found a stranded hair on his skull. However his skull had been shiny since death, Mrs Femur laughed it off saying it was only a wisp but three more hairs grew the next day. And it didn't stop there.

He woke up with a toe, then two, then five on each foot. Then ten fingers formed before the night was out. Looking in the mirror at the skin growth over his rib cage Mr. Femur started to shake out of his bones. He used gloves and shoes and a hat whenever he was out so the gravebours wouldn't suspect anything but during a discussion with Sir Aorta on the beaten path one day, the fellow skeleton suddenly dropped his jaw at him. Fearing the worst Mr. Femur stumbled home and saw directly for the first time since death.

An eyeball had formed within his skull.

Soon word was out within the cemetery and soon Mr. Femur was an outcast. He was avoided on the path and upon seeing him they would return to their graves. When he went for a drink at Jangles, the other skulls had turned to stare at the sinew and muscle developing along his spine in silence and it started to feel cold as he grew skin over his arms and legs again.

Mrs Femur refused to abandon her husband even at the urging of her friends and even late relatives. She did her best to accommodate him, adding blankets and sheets to their furniture, accompanying him to Jangles, trying to lighten the mood by joking he could be her mannequin for her jewelry. Not even dancing under the full moon would pick his jaw up

But this did not comfort Mr. Femur. As he returned to a living appearance he knew the time had come for only one outcome. For a man with a beating heart did not and could not belong in the land of the dead.

"I must go and return to the living," he told Mrs Femur sadly and he put on his hat and went upstairs departing the land of the dead.

Mrs Femur spent the next few weeks dying all over again. Refusing to speak to the other corpses in Jangles and returning to the tomb alone. The guilt ate away at the other corpses but they could do little to stop her from withering.

Shortly before dawn once her fellow mourners retreated back into their tombs, Mrs. Femur finally wandered upstairs herself

But once she reached the surface, screams arose at the sight of a walking skeleton decorated with necklaces and rings, and those who didn't run donned clubs and forks,

It looked as though Mrs. Femur was surrounded until she was pulled behind a tomb and wrapped in a coat. Then she saw the very familiar bowler hat…

Crying out at the sight of her dearly departed, Mrs femur embraced her astounded husband, both to see his wife again and that she wished to stay by his side despite the sinew separating them.

"But you are bone and I am flesh" he protested

"I'd rather be an outcast here with you than without and belong"

From then on, they forged together. Mr. Femur took a job at a graveyard for Mrs. Femur to be somewhere familiar while she discovered an invention known as the internet and used it to sell jewelry again. They often took sightseeing trips to places like Craco and Poggioreale, ghost towns where they could admire the sights. And they would dance under the full moon together as in love in death as they were in life and vice versa.

The very next day Mrs. Femur woke up with a stray hair on her skull.


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