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Why do some men and women always want a divorce when their marriages change?


By Realm of Ink and ImaginationPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

Both men and women always have sweet fantasies about the uncertain future.

Especially when you feel that the man or woman around you has made you uncomfortable and dopamine is no longer secreted.

You have no illusions about him anymore, and one more look at him will make you extremely bored.

Then, escaping immediately is what you want to do most urgently.

Divorce is your reasonable and legal way to leave.

After staying under the same roof for a long time, men and women can fall in love suddenly or kill each other inexplicably.

When a man and a woman fall in love, they want to live the life they want together.

But the reality is cruel. A small number of people do not live the life they want after getting married.

Men find that although women are beautiful, they don’t know how to do laundry and cooking. They also spend an hour or two putting on makeup before going out every day. They even buy clothes they like when they find them, without considering whether the money from this month can last until next month. It will automatically reduce points for women in their hearts.

When a woman finds that a man doesn’t care about her, is even very stingy, has no ambition, doesn’t make much money, and only knows how to play games all day long, she will feel that she is blind for falling in love with such a mediocre man. .

Two people will suddenly feel that each other has lost the charm and attraction they had before marriage.

As a result, both men and women have become annoying to each other, and the more they look at each other, the more annoying they become.

Both of them will feel that after this experience, it cannot be said that they can find a better man and woman after divorce, but at least they should be better than this.

People always think of the good and never think that they might encounter bad men and bad women who are disguised and waiting for you.

When considering divorce, here are some situations to consider:

1. Irreparable Issues: Are there any irreconcilable differences or problems in the marriage? Have these issues persisted for a long time, and have both parties tried various methods to resolve them but failed to reach a consensus?

2. Impact on Children: If there are children involved, how will divorce affect them? What emotional and psychological impacts might divorce have on the children? Are there alternative ways to handle marital issues to minimize harm to the children?

3. Financial Situation: How will divorce affect the financial situation of both parties? Are there sufficient financial resources to support independent living? Should property division, alimony, or child support be considered?

4. Social Relationships: How will divorce affect the social relationships and networks of both parties? Could it potentially lead to changes in family, friends, or workplace relationships? Are there support systems available to help navigate these changes?

5. Emotional Factors: Apart from the issues in the marriage, how are the emotional states of both parties? Is there still love or emotional connection present? How will emotional challenges such as loneliness, loss, or self-doubt be addressed post-divorce?

6. Legal Procedures: What legal procedures may be involved in the divorce process? Will legal counsel or advisors be needed? How long might the divorce process take, and what legal responsibilities and obligations may be involved?

7. Personal Development: How will divorce impact the personal development and lifestyle of both parties? Is there the ability and resources to rebuild one's life and pursue personal goals and dreams?

These are just some of the considerations that may need to be taken into account, and the specific circumstances will vary for each couple. Before making a decision, it's best to engage in open and honest communication with one's spouse and thoroughly consider these aspects.


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Realm of Ink and Imagination

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  • “M”2 months ago

    Great job

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