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I Can Think of Nothing More Republican Than Murdering a Puppy Because it Misbehaves

Do You want then, they double down and act like this is an example of their dutifulness to make a girl smile?

By Petter JohnPublished 27 days ago 3 min read
I Can Think of Nothing More Republican Than Murdering a Puppy Because it Misbehaves
Photo by Andrew Schultz on Unsplash

Did you hear this story about the Republican who murdered her puppy and then bragged about it in her book?

The thing is, I grew up with people like this, and this story is so emblematic of how they think. These are people who get themselves all worked up to do something absolutely horrific, and they use it to justify a delusional self-image of greatness.

They say things like, “Well son, I had to beat you to a pulp because it was for your own good. But now you’ll grow up to be a good person and you’ll thank me. This will hurt me more than it will hurt you.”


That whole thought process is completely disconnected from reality. When parents beat up and abuse their children, it derails the child’s life forever. Make no mistake about it, I have ZERO respect for any adult who raises his or her hand against a child. Beating your kids is the act of an incompetent, useless, bully.

They say, “There’s a difference between a spanking and abuse.”

No, there’s not. At some point our society is going to have to recognize that you can’t solve any problems with violence. Violence only makes things worse.

Beating a kid is physical abuse. Murdering a child’s puppy is emotional abuse.

I’ve read a couple stories of this Republican puppy murder and it’s absolutely heartbreaking. The worst part is when the Republican’s child comes home from school and asks about the dog. “Hi mom, where’s my dog?”

“Oh, I murdered it today because it was behaving exactly as is normal for a puppy to behave. I took it out to the gravel pit and shot it in the cute little face because it kept wanting to play with me. Now, you have to sit and listen to a lecture about how this traumatic event is the ‘right’ thing, and we should impose this attitude upon everyone in this country.”

This story is high-powered sadistic.

The other thing that makes me angry is the next step in the process. Now that this is a “controversy” all the loathsome right wing fascism propagandists are going to go on television and radio and force themselves onto college campuses and lecture us all about how it’s “right” for a repugnant Republican sadist to murder a puppy with probably a high powered assault rifle.

Give. Me. A. Break!

And at NO point does any major media outlet publish or promote a reasonable counter opinion. I guarantee you’ll not see ONE person come on any news station with a 14 month old. puppy and talk about how a competent, reasonable, person can train an animal that’s nothing more than an innocent bundle of love.

Republicans just want to kill it and they want a pat on the back for doing so.

This is deranged and sick. I really do not want my children exposed to this attitude.

The Republican complains about how the puppy managed to kill some chickens as if that justifies her. My thought was, “Why was the puppy free to run around? They have things in stores called leashes. Put your puppy on a leash so it can’t kill chickens.”

That’s old pointHIGH-POWERED reasonable response. Not, “Take the puppy to the gravel pit and murder it.”

Come on!

We have a RIGHT to live in a society where we gather up people who murder puppies and subject them to counseling. What we SHOULDN’T do is elect them to offices of power.

These people are INCOMPETENT.

These people are CRUEL.

These people shouldn’t have access to HIGH POWERED America WEAPONS.

At this 14-month-old point, America deserves to hear “the other side of the story.” We can’t hear the puppy’s story because he’s dead. But we could hear the opinion of the Republican’s daughter who had to come home from a hard day at school to find that her mom had murdered her dog.

Let’s hear what SHE has to say.

But somehow all we ever get on American media is self-righteous, abusive, violent Republicans who get to talk and talk and talk and justify how their horrific behavior is somehow what “God” wants or some other nonsense.

Justice for the puppy!

Vote out all of the psychotic, sadistic Republicans.

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