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Finding Your True Purpose as a Writer: The Key to Long-Term Fulfillment

Unmasking your true writer's fire

By Rick MartinezPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash

Hey, ever feel like you're just punching keys as a writer?

Like there's a missing spark waiting to light up your writing world? You're not alone, homie. Loads of writers grapple with pinpointing their deep-down "why" for hitting the keys. Without it, every rejection or creative dead-end feels like a knockout punch. But, get this: when you lock onto your real deal as an author, boom – it's a game-changer. You've got this inner fire that powers you through the tough spots.

This piece?

It's your roadmap to finding that fire, that unique thing that keeps you charged and on point.

The Pitfalls of a Lost 'Why'

Running on a blurry purpose is like steering a ship with no compass.

You end up tossed around by what others say or by chances that you don't really jive with your true self. Falling for easy answers, like "I'm doing it for my family," can backfire. These off-the-cuff reasons rarely turn into real, aligned action. Say you're all about family, but then you're glued to your desk 80 hours a week – that's a mismatch, right? You'll find it tough to dodge time-suckers without a solid grip on your purpose.

A shaky 'why' leads to letdowns and frustration.

But nail your real motivator, and you're set to live bold and intentional.

Digging Deep for Your Authentic 'Why'

To hit upon your true purpose, you gotta look inside. Ask yourself:

- What values do I want my writing to stand for?

- What hidden passions or talents have I unearthed about myself?

- Which future version of me gets me pumped and proud?

- What traits do I admire in the authors I look up to?

Let your 'why' bubble up from inside you, not from outside pressure.

Give yourself the green light to pick motivations that fit you right now, not who others expect you to be. Sure, making a buck might be a solid 'why' today, but be open to your 'why' changing over time. Keep evolving and rediscovering yourself.

Regularly check if your purpose still lights a fire under you as life rolls on.

3 Telltale Signs You've Hit Your True 'Why'

How do you know you've found the right beacon for your writing journey?

Here are 3 signs:

1. It hits you right in the feels. Your 'why' should make your skin tingle. Notice how different motives make you feel.

2. It's in sync with what you actually do. If you say a family's your 'why,' but you're always working, that's off. Your moves should match what matters most.

3. It pumps you up. When your purpose is right, you feel lifted and focused. If a 'why' feels flat, keep digging.

Making Moves with Your 'Why'

Finding your purpose is just step one.

Now, let it steer your choices. Before jumping on a new project, check if it's in line with your 'why.' Learn to turn things down, even if it's awkward, to guard your time for what truly matters. On rough days, revisit your 'why' statement. Use it as a reminder of what drives you deep down. It takes guts and effort, but living true to your purpose is the straightest path to fulfillment.

By taking time to search within, you unlock the key to a writing life that's truly alive.

In a nutshell, here's how to find and rock your 'why':

- Dig deep with self-reflection to uncover what really drives you.

- Allow yourself to tweak your 'why' as you grow.

- Make sure your actions are in tune with your declared purpose.

- Let your 'why' be your guide in choosing projects and opportunities.

- Keep touching base with your purpose to stay sharp and fired up.

Knowing your 'why' is the compass that keeps you on track, even in the roughest waters. So, take the time to dig deep.

You—and the world—will be all the better for the purpose-driven writing life you carve out.

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About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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